Plant cell

Female reproductive system


digestive system

red and white blood cells

This is a food chain

Famous quotations that have to do with biology
“Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.”- oprah winfrey
“The human mind evolved to believe in the gods. It did not evolve to believe in biology.”
Edward O. Wilson quotes
“Opera stars know that biology is destiny. Sometime in their 50s or early 60s, the powerful, flexible and ultimately mysterious instrument that has been the source of their artistry frays, cracks and disappears.”
Michael Walsh quotes
“The male stereotype makes masculinity not just a fact of biology but something that must be proved and re-proved, a continual quest for an ever-receding Holy Grail”
Marc Feigen Fasteau quotes
These are major biology headlines
Gene Related to Aging Plays Role in Stem Cell Differentiation - 02/14/02
Color-Coded Tracking Method Helps Scientists Analyze Outcomes of Newly Transplanted Tissue- 05/23/10
Superbug's 'CPU' Revealed: Researchers Discover Chemical Clue Directing Staphylococcus Aureus- 11/10/o9
Biosensors Reveal How Single Bacterium Gets the Message to Split Into a Swimming and a Stay-Put Cell-01/17/07
Key Regulator of Fat Cell Development Identified-09/05/01
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