Sunday, June 6, 2010

brief explanation

science is is a systematic enterprise of gathering knowledge about the world .technology is is the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, and crafts.society is an organized group of persons associated . enviorment refers to the surroundings of an object. this is the differences beetween science, technology,society, and enviorment.


At the begging of my course in biology i was think that it was gonna be boring and the same as science.but actually i liked my class and learned alot more than i expected.I learned that not all organism need a partner to reproduce which i really thought was weird at first but thanks to ms.butler i understand.i really enjoyed it and would love to do it all over again

why biology is important to me

biology is imprtant to me because thanks to biology doctors and scientist are able to find a cure for it.biology helps me understand how plants reproduce and how mitosis and meosis work. would like to think of biology as a more defined look into people and animals.this is what biology means to mi.

what biology means to me

To me biology is the explanation for animal,plant ,and human cells . biology is composed of all the functions in a human body like the digestive system,cells, and repoductive system.Also biology informs you about evoltion and gives the theories of it. therefore biology to mi is the instructions for life .

What is biology????

a question widely asked by students is what is biology. biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy.biology focuses on dna,rna,genetics,etc.also biology can just be looked at as the study of life.this is my defenitin of biology.

collage of pictures that respresent biology


Plant cell

Male reproductive system


Female reproductive system


digestive system

red and white blood cells

This is a food chain

This here is an animal cell

Famous quotations that have to do with biology
“Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.”- oprah winfrey

These are major biology headlines
Gene Related to Aging Plays Role in Stem Cell Differentiation - 02/14/02
Color-Coded Tracking Method Helps Scientists Analyze Outcomes of Newly Transplanted Tissue- 05/23/10
Superbug's 'CPU' Revealed: Researchers Discover Chemical Clue Directing Staphylococcus Aureus- 11/10/o9
Biosensors Reveal How Single Bacterium Gets the Message to Split Into a Swimming and a Stay-Put Cell-01/17/07
Key Regulator of Fat Cell Development Identified-09/05/01

Thursday, June 3, 2010

now this here is a concept map of everything i learned in biology....just alot of major subjects we learned about.